
Holiday Decorating Contests

Get into the holiday spirit by entering your home or neighborhood/street in the Annual Holiday Decorating Contest! Winners will receive a gift card and yard sign to display throughout the holiday season.  Residents will use the interactive map beginning Thursday, November 30, to vote for their favorites.

Entry Deadline: 12:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 4

Enter one of the following categories:

  • New Kid on the Block - This category is for first-time entrants!
  • Most Creative Use of Lights
  • Best Use of Theme
  • Classic/Traditional
  • Best Yard Display
  • Neighborhood (Entries must have at least ½ of the street participating in the same neighborhood)

Event Guidelines

Please remember that the Community Guidelines must be followed and that decorations must be placed on your own property.  We kindly ask that all decorations be placed on the homeowner's property, including the dwelling and patio spaces. Please refrain from adding any decorations to Association common areas including pocket parks, landscaping, and trees to avoid enforcement.

Holiday lighting and decorations may be displayed without ARC approval sixty (60) days prior to the holidays and up to thirty (30) days after the holidays, but may not be displayed more than a total of ninety (90) days in any twelve (12) month period. Lighting and decorations should appropriately relate to the holiday being celebrated.  

As you decorate your home during this time of year, please keep in mind that any decorations on or over county property (sidewalks, parkways, roads, etc.) require and encroachment permit. Please note that extension cords are not allowed across sidewalks or roads with or without an encroachment permit. 

You must obtain an Orange County Encroachment Permit if you plan to extend holiday displays, including string of lights over public rights of way. The Permit establishes guidelines to ensure public safety and code compliance for neighborhoods and individuals interested in installing holiday displays over public roads, sidewalks, parkways, vegetation along the streets and public light poles. The purpose of the required Permit is to ensure that displays over public Right-of-Way are safely positioned, provide adequate clearance for emergency and service vehicles, and are installed with proper electrical connections.

If you would like to participate in the Holiday Decorating Contest and are installing lights over public right-of-ways, you will be required to provide a copy of the Encroachment Permit obtained from the County. If the permit is not received by the start of the judging period or date, and there are holiday displays installed over public right of ways, you will be disqualified from the contest.

Click Here to view the County memo regarding Holiday Lights Permitting

Additional information may be obtained from OC Public Works by calling (714) 667-8888, via email at or by visiting the website at for online services.