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Event Guidelines
The following items are prohibited and may NOT be brought into Oso Grande Park:
- E-Bikes
- Alcohol & Drugs
- Propane Lanterns
- Firearms
- Cigarettes/E-cigarettes
- BBQs or Grills
- Pets
- Boomboxes/speakers
- Candles/open flame
- Glass bottles
- Laser Pointers
- Drones
- *Remember this is a FAMILY ORIENTED EVENT. You may be asked to leave if you bring any type of alcoholic beverage.
- Refunds will not be issued and new campers cannot be added after 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 8. No Exceptions!
- Campsites are non-transferable, if you need to cancel please email and we will fill your spot with a family on the wait list.
- Camp only in designated areas within the perimeter of the park.
- There is a maximum of two (2) tents per group.
- There are no lights in the park so please make sure to bring flashlights or battery-operated lanterns to light your camping area.
- Anyone under age 18 must camp in the immediate vicinity of his or her parent or guardian.
- Wristbands must be worn at all times in order to verify the identity of registered campers. Anyone found without a wristband will be immediately escorted from the premises. Wristbands must be worn on the wrist.
- Please inform staff if your group is leaving camp prior to the 6am on Sunday, July 26.
- Keep your car locked, your belongings safely stored, and your valuables at home. LARCS and LARMAC are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- All meals will be catered and served by designated staff and vendors. Park barbecue grills may not be used during this event
- Picnic benches may not be reserved
- Pet are not allowed, except for service dogs.
- Designated campfire monitors and Adults are the ONLY ones who may handle wood, stoking, maintenance, and cleanup of the campfire and its materials. Do not touch or allow your children to touch any of the materials for the campfire, including bricks, wood, and any other flammable materials.
- Maintain a safe distance from the flames and do not engage in horseplay near the fire. Children will need to remain outside the orange fencing. Once the campfire has been extinguished, do not attempt to restart it.
- Limited "Roasting Sticks” are available to roast marshmallows. Please bring your own.
- Restrooms will remain unlocked during the event. Portable toilets will also be onsite.
- Report any potential hazard, incident of injury or vandalism, or other disturbance to one of the LARCS representatives.
- All children must be in their tent by 10:30 p.m., and all adults must be in by 11:00 pm which is lights out.
- Please observe the 10:30 p.m. - 6:00 a.m. quiet time as a courtesy to neighbors and campers.
- Out of respect for your neighbors, if your child becomes too loud during the night, please have the courtesy to remove your child from the camping area until you are able to soothe them.
- Please ensure that Oso Grande Community Park remains in top condition by cleaning up after yourself and your guests before leaving camp on Sunday morning.
- Security (949) 351-9253 will be on-site from 10:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. to provide overnight watch for the community park. In the event of a medical emergency, please call 911.