Teens in Ladera

Kindness on Display

There are many ways to display kindness.

Article by Connor Mai

Whether through large scale donations or infinitesimally small gestures, a vestige of goodwill can always brighten one’s day. For Kindness Month this February, the TLC ran a nomination system to award those whose kindness left a significant impact on the community. The winner of this event was 17-year-old Abigail Kaufman, a junior at San Juan Hills High School. In her own words, Abigail comments on the value of kindness and ways that she recommends to show kindness to others:

“Kindness to me means doing good where good is necessary. Two things I recommend others do to show kindness is to ask your loved ones or the people in your life what they need help with and how they’re doing and see what you can do. If you can, go out and volunteer because there are so many organizations that could really benefit from some more volunteers.”