Faces of Ladera

Ladera's sense of community is created when individuals give of themselves to serve others. These everyday people exemplify the values upon which Ladera Ranch was founded – building relationships, improving our community, being mindful of our neighbors, accountable for the care of our community, and actively participating in our hometown.
Know someone who we should feature? Let us know about them.

Read the fall issue of Roots and Wings
Roots and Wings magazine's fall issue spotlights neighbors and individuals making a difference in our community. They are the Faces of Ladera. If you know someone who we can spotlight, send LARCS a message at contact.larcs@laderalife.com.
Larry Lanterman: Larry has spent the majority of his life serving others. From his core values of community and protection of others, he has served in the U.S. Army and for decades as a volunteer crossing guard. For the last three years, he has worked on the corner near Oso Grande Elementary School in Ladera Ranch, helping keep children safe as they go to and from school. Larry is known for his kindness and compassion for the children and families he served. Known for his encouraging words and support, one resident said, “Larry brightens everyone’s day.” Read more, Ladera Residents Rally to Show Appreciation for U.S. Veteran.
Manny Torres: One of Ladera Ranch Maintenance Corporation’s (LARMAC) primary responsibilities is maintaining the aesthetic standards in Ladera Ranch. Manny is an ambassador of strong home values. And he accomplished his job by working with residents to ensure that their properties continue to look fresh and well-maintained. Manny's team works diligently to promote strong property values and residents’ enjoyment of their homes and neighborhoods. Meet Manny, read his tips on maintaining your home's exterior, and play the game Two Truths and a Lie.
Jesus Castrejon: Jesus’ favorite part of his job is assisting residents, whether navigating LaderaLife or providing residents with county-related resources, and being the first to welcome new families to Ladera Ranch. He loves to see people smile when their questions have been answered.
Jesus’s advice for new residents is: 1) Become familiar with LaderaLife; there are resources and useful information at your fingertips, 2) Attend a new homeowner reception where you’ll meet other new families, which will make you feel more at home in your community. 3) Reach LARMAC at contact.larmac@laderalife.com for inquiries and to begin your Membership application to get your resident access card; it’s the fastest, most convenient way to connect with LARMAC.
Jesus enjoys playing musical instruments, including the tuba and trumpet. He recently learned how to play the keyboard piano and enjoys how he feels while playing music.
Connor Mai: Connor has developed his leadership skills through volunteering at many of the LARCS events and serving as an active member of the LARCS Teen Leadership Council since 2022. Connor donates his time to the Nature Reserve and school organizations. This past year, Connor has written three articles for LaderaLife, including one in the summer issue of Roots and Wings magazine. Connor logged a record number of hours this year. Recently, Connor used his passion for art to create potted plants that he sold at the weekly Farmers Market to benefit Ladera’s Marine Battalion, 1ST LAR. A highlight for Connor was presenting a $1,500 proceeds check to the Marine commander and sharing his appreciation for the Battalion’s service.
Jay Rogers: When Jay’s not traveling to the rain forest or having fun putting business deals together, you’ll find him coaching rugby or hurdles. Jay formed the LARCS teen scholarship fund with his cohorts and enjoys mentoring young people. This East Coast native has planted his roots, and heart, in Ladera Ranch.
Ashley Blair: Known as a parks and recreation services rockstar, Ashley brings a wealth of expertise in aquatics, sports programs, and recreation program management. She has a degree from Cal State Long Beach and has an eye for the big picture.
Stephanie Jebbia: More than her amazing smile, love for the Steelers, or talking with her hands, this Italian-American is known as a seasoned community manager who brings her expertise and leadership to running Ladera Ranch. Steph is a dedicated, hard-working pro with a great sense of humor, loves her alma mater, San Diego State University, and loves Blues music. Stephanie recently recorded video updates on reserve projects that are presented to the LARMAC Board of Directors in open-session meetings. These project updates may be found in the LARMAC Your HOA at Work section of LaderaLife.
Todd Stearns: Of the things that Todd is most passionate about, Ladera Ranch businesses and the weekly Farmers Market top the list. Todd is an avid cyclist, outdoorsman, and now, pickleball player. Mostly Todd loves Ladera Ranch, Laderians, and connecting people.
Jessica Rusinkovich learned from a young age how to be compassionate. Her parents led by example. They emphasized the importance of actions over words. Heartbroken when seeing the devastation that impacted the lives of so many in Maui, Jessica was compelled to do something. Jessica wanted to do something to help, but what could a schoolteacher with a small baking side business do?
The next day, Jessica started “Muffins for Maui” with the goal of donating all proceeds to help those impacted in Maui. Jessica's compassion and action inspired community at home in Ladera Ranch. Read the article, Muffins for Maui: Compassion and Action Inspire Community at Home in Ladera.
Jim Finken: Combining his love of his community with his love of music and concerts, Jim serves on the Event Planning Committee. He often works at LARCS community events where he enjoys meeting neighbors and seeing families enjoy themselves.
Joya Celik: Why has Joya been featured in Roots and Wings more than any other? Not because she used to work on The Office and Parks and Recreation TV shows, but for the work she does in Ladera. Joya loves to give residents a voice and keep them informed. She’s been a neighborhood rep, tech committee member, board member, and much more. Learn more about Joya in this article, Neighborhood Reppin' - Keeping Ladera Connected and Fun!
Samantha Talley: As a new mother, Sam has her hands full with raising her family and working as a finance professional. She views public service as an investment in her community and uses her talents to benefit others.
Robert Lozano is a technology leader and founder of the Ladera Ranch Free Tech Support Facebook Group which has grown to over 1,400 members. With a passion for helping others, he uses his expertise to build community in Ladera Ranch, providing answers to technology-related questions. Robert values trips to wine country with his wife, family time, and assisting neighbors. Robert also serves as the Co-Chair of the Technology Advisory Committee for LARCS. Robert is also a past recipient of the LARCS Volunteer of the Year Award.
Kim Diaz is known for her positive energy, ability to take charge and get things done, and her love for connecting neighbors. In her role, she enjoys putting on block parties, encouraging neighbors to decorate their homes for the holidays, and doing what she can to keep Ladera amazing. The LARCS Neighborhood Activity Coordinator program is a fun way for residents to take an active role in bringing neighbors together to build community. The community services division offers funds to help NACs host block parties and other events.
Armando Rutledge and his family were interviewed in the developer marketing video for Ladera 20 years ago. Since the days of raising his family here, Armando’s love for the community endures. He has played an active role in shaping and nurturing the community. Even in retirement, his love for Ladera Ranch drives his ongoing dedication to creating a sense of community that benefits all residents. Armando led LARCS through the challenges that the covid years presented and remains focused on serving his community. If you want to play Two Truths and a Lie regarding Armando, scroll to the end of this 2019 article, Meet new LARCS president, Armando Rutledge.
Brenda Martin is the face and voice many new residents first come in contact with when moving to Ladera Ranch. As one of LARMAC’s top member services associates, Brenda’s favorite part of her job is helping residents get connected to their community. Brenda’s top tips for residents are 1) Email LARMAC: It’s often the best way to provide detailed information that is needed by multiple team members and to make sure that nothing is lost in translation. 2) Use Laderalife.com as a primary resource. Many time-intensive inquiries to LARMAC are unnecessary, thanks to Laderalife.com. 3) Submit maintenance requests on Laderalife; residents can easily do so 24/7, and be sure to include photos which are always super helpful.
Because Brenda’s job can be quite demanding, she has found that taking time to do rewarding activities is important to ensure that she brings the best attitude and energy to the job each day. Brenda enjoys candle-making, which involves selecting a fragrance, making labels, and taking photos of the products. Brenda says, “It’s so fulfilling and therapeutic.”
Chase Fitzpatrick is an accomplished professional with a background in education and business development. Currently an Enterprise Sales Director in the healthcare industry, Chase’s passion for community led him to actively serve Ladera Ranch. With extensive volunteer work and dedication to maintaining the quality of the community, Chase ensures Ladera Ranch remains a cherished home for its residents. Chase has appeared in LARMAC Your HOA at Work videos keeping residents informed about reserve projects such as the playground replacement and Covenant Hills renovation projects.
Georgette Shrake: This avid baseball fan is not only passionate about her Dodgers bobblehead collection, she loves volunteering as team mom. Georgette puts her enthusiasm and creativity in to serving as the LARCS Event Planning Committee Co-Chair. Her favorite event is the Summer Concert Series. This year her family planned their family vacation around Yachty by Nature, her favorite cover band. When Georgette’s family moved to Ladera from Irvine, she wanted to feel more connected to where they lived - so she got involved. She encourages her 9 year old son to do the same. Her son loves that his mom is Ladera famous since appearing in the fall issue of Roots and Wings magazine.
Joanne (JoJo) Kopeny: Organizing the July 4th Celebration alone would give most people a head of gray hair. JoJo has been the Events Manager for Ladera Ranch for the past 12 years and has amazing attention to detail. She loves music and can be found at the House of Blues in the Foundation Room or enjoying live entertainment along the coast.
Korey Bosworth: As the owner of LARMAC's patrol services company, Korey brings a dedication to the job and a high standard of care when it comes to supporting the master association in protecting its property and serving Ladera's residents. “We look forward to partnering with LARMAC and the residents of Ladera Ranch to provide patrol and gate attendant services. Although our responsibility and focus are protecting LARMAC property, we want to encourage residents to help foster a culture of safety and responsibility in their homes, neighborhoods, and community.” Read the article, "LARMAC Enlists Titanium Security for Patrol Services in Ladera Ranch."Carl Steindler: As the host of the Ladera Ranch-focused, Stein Time podcast, Carl Steindler is living his dream. His intrigue and love of radio have stayed with him since childhood. Carl combines his love of radio with the love of his community to produce a podcast focused on the people and lifestyle of Ladera Ranch. Find Stein Time at LaderaRanchRadio.com, Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Play, and iHeart. Read the article, "Lifelong Passion Builds Community in Ladera."
Denise Frank: This avid athlete and 22-year Ladera Ranch resident loves her time in the mountains, water skiing, and on the pickleball court. She learned to play pickleball while on summer vacation. She was immediately hooked and spent the rest of that summer playing every chance she got. Earlier this year, Denise formed the Ladera Ranch Ladies Pickleball Group with other Ladera residents which has grown to more than 450 members. Read the article, More Than Fun and Games - Building Community Through Pickleball.
Emre Celik: Emre started volunteering in Ladera before he actually moved to Ladera. He can be found volunteering at LARCS events like Go Green Ladera and Spring Celebration. He works in technology and uses his strengths advising the LARCS Board on tech-related matters as the Co-Chair of the Technology Advisory Committee. Emre is a cool dad and loves being involved in YMCA Adventure Guides too.Brad Palmer: When it comes to public safety, educating residents about ebike safety and compliance, and working to keep our roads safe, Captain Brad Palmer is the person for the job. Brad notes, "Bicycles and ebikes must follow all the same rules of the road as motor vehicles. They must stop at red lights and stop signs, ride with the flow of traffic and closest to the right curb as possible, also ride in bike lanes when available. Parents are encouraged to actively educate their kids on the responsibilities and dangers of sharing the road with motor vehicles." Read a recent interview with Brad or the article, Community Safety - It Takes a Village and Starts at Home.
Justin Barba: When it comes to deterring crime and promoting public safety, Orange County Sheriff's Sgt. Justin Barba suggests that residents enhance their situational awareness and actively participate in the community. Residents can serve as their Neighborhood Representatives through LARMAC, serve on committees, participate in the Neighborhood Watch program, and attend association meetings. Read a recent interview with Justin or the article, Community Safety - It Takes a Village and Starts at Home.
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There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other, wings.
- Hodding Carter -
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There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other, wings.